...best what we need to learn.
I have always hated that phrase,
mostly because I am a teacher.
One who cares deeply about
students' care for each other,
teachers' willingness to collaborate,
the excitement about learning,
processing information to a creative form.
Does that adage mean that I need
to learn how to be kind, function within a team,
be and stay enthused about learning?
I hope not. I pray not.
And, in some cases, what you need most
comes directly from your own hand.
From your own mouth. A plea, perhaps,
a petition from your thirsty, starving heart.
Listen, you shout to yourself.
Stop this, yourself shouts to you.
Usually, it all happens in my head,
but this week, it came out as a chair.
A chair I need to sit in,
for many many hours,
across from people I love and trust,
with warm healthy food between us.
A chair I need to see, read --
my words staring back at me,
when I no longer believe
in possibilities,
in truth and beauty,
in my own splendor.