designated for waiting in eager anticipation.
We know how it all will end -- the barn, the baby, the guiding light.
But for now, I want to pretend that I do not know,
that nothing is definite or predictable.
Let's pretend that I am on the advent of something new.
That my life is coming, arriving, about to begin.
Because, really, that's what is happening. For me. For you.
Here I sit, a fat, weary 47 year old,
with some inclination that I know how it will all turn out.
And there you are too. Alone. Not alone.
Prepared. Stocks bonded and bonds stacked.
With a baby on your hip. A father in ICU.
Cells dividing toward life or death. Who knows.
Tomorrow, I will talk to someone I have never met.
Tomorrow, I will see something I have never seen.
Tomorrow, I will feel something I have never felt,
reminiscent, perhaps, all of it, but still new.
This is advent. A time of waiting,
a time of watchful preparation.
I know what I want and need, but
I do not know what is coming,
I do not know when it will arrive.
And for that, this night, I give
my restless and hopeful thanks.