Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Onto this pile, I stack:
the things I need to give away
the things I need to give up
the things that have taught me well 
and are now not enough
the need to know
the need to be sure
the need to have answers
the knowledge that is no longer true 
the knowledge that may have never been true
the knowledge that escapes me still
the truth that is fixed
the truth that they claim
the truth that was once solid 
and now is silty liquid slipping away
the fixed parts of me 
the fixed parts of the past
the fixing of things that will never be fixed
the parts that may never heal
the parts that may never even scab over
the parts of me that they did not wait long enough to see

Onto this cairn, I lay down my boulder fears and aches.
See how beautifully the sun dances upon them --
the light stronger than the weight upon which it shines. 

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