Monday, September 15, 2008


On the edge of spring, as buds spotted the trees, 
we unexpectedly found ourselves
perfect for each other, 
perfect for the time, the intersection. 

And we created a cocoon
of phone calls and feet,  
of words written on long pages, 
and songs picked and presented as gifts. 

We found benches to sit upon in so many cities, 
and walked down their streets, 
hand in hand, hand upon back,
unashamed to be loving, solid in our space and place. 

It was just right.  A healing time, 
a finding time, a period of redefining. 
It was - you were - a Moses moment for me, 
holy and resurrecting. 

Leading me through the desert, 
pouring cup after cup of cool water. 
Handing over our loose hearts, 
we made requisitions that will last a lifetime. 

And now, as the Japanese maple
blazes its burning bush
and we turn in a new direction, 
packed for a different kind of long  journey together

I need you to know I heard you calling,
you heard me calling,  
we both  answered, "Here I am" 
and, together, we created a promised land that I loved. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i will miss the journey we had. someday i hope to welcome the journey that can come.