Sunday, March 1, 2009

75 reasons

1. He still wears those big glasses
2. He loves his baseball hats
3. He's younger than he is
4. Works hard
5. Always worked hard
6. Will always work hard
7. Has a good sense of order 
8. Listens well
9. Talks softly, never carries a big stick 
10. Meticulous 
11. Held my mom's hand
12. Provided even when stressed
13. Sacrificed even when stressed
14. Made a change 
15. Stuck with the change
16. Is gracious and giving
17. Can kick any crossword puzzle's ass
18. Listens to music
19. Good music
20. Appreciates the most important meal of the day
21. Can grill up some good stuff
22. Remembers to eat fruit
23. Honored his mother and father
24. Didn't give up when giving up would be easy
25. Dignified, but not in a pompous way
26. Cheers loudly for his favorites teams
27. Envelope gifts 
28. Two Christmas trees, every year
29. Made sure to drive us around to look at the lights
30. Coach
31. Timer
32. HORSE companion 
33. Devotes time to the things that matter to him
34. Let my mom get the attention she needed
35. Even if it meant sacrificing some that he may get
36. Bloody Mary recipe (though I do not personally know)
37. Taking us to baseball games 
38. Sharing Amelia Island 
39. Golf (even though he rolls the ball over)
40.  Wears pink shirts proudly 
41. And way before it was popular
42. Loved his dogs
43. Fed them ice cream 
44. Plans ahead
45. Years ahead
46. Is fiscally prepared 
47. Had convertibles 
48. Still wants a convertible
49. Knows how to keep the faith
50. Introduced me to pistachios
51. Permits me to be myself 
52. Defends me for who I am 
53. Smiles really big when he sees his grandchildren
54. Saves his change
55. Then counts and rolls it by hand
56. Can say a really good improvisational prayer
57. Comes when invited
58. Comes when needed
59. Writes in a beautiful way 
60. Organized
61. Open to where the spirit is moving
62. Protective
63. Always brought a gift home after traveling
64. Likes Chik-fil-a
65. Knows what is important and what is not
66. Let me be there when he could not
67. Kind, nice -- two overused words-- 
that in this case are true
68. Voted for Barack 
69. Does not need to be the center of attention
70. Is forgiving
71. Has gone from a pessimist to an optimist
72. But would never admit it 
73. Enjoys the morning sun 
74. Knows the value of sitting on the porch
75. Is trustworthy, reliable

Happy birthday, Dad. 

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