Wednesday, September 3, 2008

When in doubt popsicles. 

When in doubt, 
eat anything with sugar, 
especially popsicles. 
Accept the temporary high. 

When in doubt, 
take a long fast moped ride,
winding through the streets you love,
Fairmount, South Park, North Park, Eaton,
until you can feel your world spinning
underneath you again. 

When in doubt, 
pick up your neighbor's daughter
and make her laugh, 
until you care more about keeping
the sticks from the yard out of her mouth
than you do about burrowing sticks
into your own thin skin. 

When in doubt,
listen to your answering machine, 
the saved messages. 
One from Helen with a joke
about two zebras and a pickle,
one from Mark about the birth 
of baby John, 
one from Grace
where you can hear your mom 
in the background. 

When in doubt, 
wash some clothes 
and put them on straight from the dryer, 
warm, fresh, 
like the skin you wish you were in.

When in doubt, 
write a letter, or an email, 
correct the mistake 
that has you swimming. 
Put soft words in your brown heart, 
and let them massage a newness into you. 

When in doubt, 
and through the doubt,
and when the doubt is waning,
eat a popsicle. 
Then another if need be. 
Let your lips be red and happy,
and the rest of you will follow suit. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

movement - progression - forward