Let's say a woman for example.
The right degrees, a big corporate job,
a love for the earth and the creatures on it.
A sense of humor that keeps you laughing,
witty retorts to your witty responses,
grey green eyes that change color
when she speaks the truth.
Or, let's say a job, in a movie set suburb
known for excelling at the work you do.
In a small school, with a cadre
of dedicated colleagues and
children who look like they should
be featured on a Benetton catalog.
Smart and kind, everyone,
with a paycheck that fills
even the holes in your pockets.
Or, let's say a house, the perfect cottage yellow,
with street siblings each trying to
outdo each other in cute.
A house who feels like a warm womb,
a safe harbor, a handknit sweater.
No other house feels like home.
It all looks so good on paper,
it all sounds right to someone
on the outside of the story.
Yet, she knows it is all a palimpsest
of another life she missed along the way.
A left turn world in what should
have been a right turn life.
So she takes to scraping
and scanning the weak pulp,
to decipher what needs to happen next.
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