I see roads, yellow dotted lines,
small town excursions,
shops with handmade fudge,
talking with old men, maybe Gus or Otto,
learning the names of new flowers,
bare feet on grass,
kicking the beach ball between two yards,
drinking Bels Oberoon at night,
nights on the porch.
Cantaloupe poems,
cardinals stopping by,
A dog resting on the stoop,
a book on top of ten others,
a long distance correspondence,
a short brave fling,
wrinkled white sheets,
finding beach glass,
(at a real beach)
red slushies ruining new shirts,
minor league ball,
Jiffy pop on the fire pit,
cornhole championships,
tan feet,white webbed fingers,
someone's hot summer lips on my back,
being braver,
saying hello to every person I meet,
taking it in, while letting so much go.
Sliver fingernails,
sliver cusp moons,
a pebble path,
2 dollars and 76 cents in my pocket,
whistling a new song,
needing nothing but
the hope of blue that reaches out
and around the whole world.
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