Thursday, November 10, 2011

Stress fracture?

I'm styling with a boot as of today.  Been feeling a weird non-decreasing pain in my foot for a couple weeks, so I headed back to Dr. Leb (my broken arm hero) to check it out. He said there appears to be some bone reabsorption, a little kink in my metatarsal, which may be caused by a variety of things: tumor, cyst, stress fracture.  It is, of course, not presenting in the normal way (I do not think any of my medical issue ever present in a normal way.)  His assistant fitted me for a boot, and I wore it today at school.  Now that my foot feels a bit better, my knee hurts, my back, my spine, and I have a massive headache.  I was two inches taller on the right side all afternoon and it appears as it that has thrown my whole skeletal structure into a tizzy.

There are two things I take away from today.  First, I still get teary when I see Dr. Leb remembering how kind and helpful and encouraging he was. And that is good.  Certain moments and events should never leave your base self.  I hope to always well up when thinking of him and those months, and if  I don't, it would signal that there is something very hardened and lost about me.  And, second, two inches really matter.  In my 67 and a half inch stance, that 2% shift caused significant repercussions.   I need to think about some good 2% shifts I can make -- how dramatic would I feel if I lost 2% of my weight?  How much more surrounded would I feel if I contacted 2% of my friends on a frequent basis?  What would my bravery yield if I rid myself of just 2% of my cautiousness?  It's an interesting proposition. 

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