Saturday, October 29, 2011


I like the way she lights up when she sees me,
the way she says, "My special friend,"
(even though I am sure she says that to everyone).
I like the way that, today, when we were driving
back from the German Import Market,
she said, "Tell me more about yourself."
And then later, just a half mile down the road,
how she asked, "Was she a good mother to you?"
I like how I want to be good around her, and honest,
how I want her to like me as much as I like her.
I like how she says, "Yes, you are social, Jean,
but there is a good seriousness to you too."
I like how she thanks God for every day,
how she says that her deteriorating eyesight
helps her have to pay full attention all of the time.
I like how her hands flap about when she talks,
like a baby bird's wings.  Johanna, in her 80's,
is still learning to fly, yes, still perched,
confident and in wonder, on the edge of a nest,
expecting to do something that she has never done. 
Expecting to learn something she's not thought about before.

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