Tuesday, October 18, 2011

You do not have to be

You do not have to be rimmed in gold,
perfect.  No one is watching that closely.
You do not have to be grounded in blue.
Choose a brighter color.  Orange maybe,
or perhaps, slide yourself right off the page,
the infinite space not above your head
but all around.  You do not have to remember
royal purple, nor do you have to attempt to be royal
at all.  Feel the heavy lug of your breast.
Give thanks for your scaly feet.  Ask your teeth
what they would like to tear in two.
You do not have to put a cap on it,
it's fine to leave the darkness alone,
black and strong and sure. It does not
have to look pretty anymore.  In fact,
the less pretty you try to make it,
the more beautiful you may be.  You do not
have to inject moments with pearls of wisdom
or sparks of delight.  Nothing likes to be injected.
Just be.  Just be.  And then, in that relaxed place,
you will look exactly like - you will feel
exactly like -- the very thing you try so hard to create.

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